Devuison. ideas e bocetos
Outubro 24, 2011 12:29 p.m.Debuxo + Corpo + Son Idea da acción: Toda a idea da acción xira en torno a 3 elementos e […]
Debuxo + Corpo + Son Idea da acción: Toda a idea da acción xira en torno a 3 elementos e […]
For a new project that I am working on I need to do some color tracking. I had some code […]
Augmented sound uses 2 softwares-aplications.Supecollider is used for dealing with sound and Openframeworks is used for dealing with the visual […]
All the videos related to the Augmented Sound project, can be seen on the Augmented Sound channel at Vimeo. Last […]
This is the hardware used and how is connected for any kind of installation or performance by the augmented sound […]
This is how the Augmented Sound works with stairs. The location is R.I.T., over the stairs that are located outside […]
These last days I”ve been learning a little bit of Supercollider, which as you may know, is a software-language for […]
deQuencher is a live sequencing tool made by Batuhan Bozkurt, a sound artist/programmer from Istanbul-Turkey. deQuencher does (as he says): […]
I need some multiple ball collision for my thesis project, so I came out with this little program. The code […]
These days I been solving the problem of the non orthogonal collision. I needed to find a system that would […]