Deforming and cropping video

This is a little chunk of code for deforming and cropping video. Actually it deals with the frames of the video and I will use it for matching the frame of the video that comes from the camera and the frame of the final image that is projected.
I needed to do this, because when the final projection is projected on top of the actual space where the laser is pointing, there were not a match between the position of the laser and the position of the animation.

The code is taken from an example that Theo Watson made using the ofTextureAdv class created by Zach Gage.

Here is a short video that shows how it works.

deforming and cropping video from berio on Vimeo.

Next step will be implementing this code into the final application. Once it is done, it will be possible to start doing the animation and the interaction with the user.

Here is the code:

You will need the Openframeworks version 00573 that can be downloaded here