Berio Molina
Berio Molina

Latest Posts

O son en devuison

Decembro 11, 2011 5:39 a.m. Published by

O tratamento do son en Devuison responde a dúas interaccións básicas que se corresponden a dúas liñas de tempo. Por […]

Drawing with OpenCv. Blobs with Id

Outubro 25, 2011 10:47 a.m. Published by

I am working on a project called Devuison, which basicllay consists on making sound whith drawings. I am using the […]

Devuison. ideas e bocetos

Outubro 24, 2011 12:29 p.m. Published by

Debuxo + Corpo + Son Idea da acción: Toda a idea da acción xira en torno a 3 elementos e […]

Augmented Sound software

Xullo 29, 2009 8:15 a.m. Published by

Augmented sound uses 2 softwares-aplications.Supecollider is used for dealing with sound and Openframeworks is used for dealing with the visual […]

AuSo. Space: Stairs

Xuño 16, 2009 5:55 a.m. Published by

This is how the Augmented Sound works with stairs. The location is R.I.T., over the stairs that are located outside […]