Berio Molina
Berio Molina


Software Microasterismos

Setembro 24, 2014 8:41 p.m. Published by

Software The software used in Microasterismos was made using Openframeworks for the visual part and Supercollider for the audio one. […]

O son en devuison

Decembro 11, 2011 5:39 a.m. Published by

O tratamento do son en Devuison responde a dúas interaccións básicas que se corresponden a dúas liñas de tempo. Por […]

CGD thesis project

Setembro 2, 2008 1:46 p.m. Published by

This is the information page of the blog that is being set up for my final thesis at CGD (Computer […]


Marzo 6, 2006 2:05 p.m. Published by

oitavo son do proxecto Fola (Zappa visitado pola gaita).