Berio Molina
Berio Molina

Author Archives for berio

Home made push button

Abril 16, 2008 3:02 p.m. Published by Comentarios desactivados en Home made push button

Last weekend, my good friend HoracioGD, was living for a few days in my apartment enjoying some vacation days. I […]

Collinearity by

Abril 3, 2008 8:56 p.m. Published by Comentarios desactivados en Collinearity by

Points are collinear when you can draw a straight line through each of them. This is an algorithm to determine […]

ideas for the first project

Marzo 30, 2008 6:53 p.m. Published by Comentarios desactivados en ideas for the first project

1. do a email reader that displays if you have a new email on a small screen attached to the […]

Capacitive sensing

Marzo 19, 2008 6:08 p.m. Published by Comentarios desactivados en Capacitive sensing

Today we were learning about different kinds of sensors. You can take a look at some of them in the […]

Getting started with arduino

Marzo 16, 2008 8:23 p.m. Published by Comentarios desactivados en Getting started with arduino

Ok!, these are my first exercises for this seminar. I followed the directions and I did some exercises. Here they […]

Blog: Physical Computing

Marzo 12, 2008 2:21 p.m. Published by Comentarios desactivados en Blog: Physical Computing

A blog with information about small prototypes build with Arduino. This blog is a complement of the seminar in Physical Computing at RIT (Professor W. Michelle Harris).


Xaneiro 20, 2008 6:50 a.m. Published by Comentarios desactivados en Referencias

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