Berio Molina
Berio Molina

Author Archives for berio


Setembro 2, 2008 2:36 p.m. Published by Comentarios desactivados en Resources

This is a list of resources for my thesis project. Some research work including videos, pictures and other kind of […]

CGD thesis project

Setembro 2, 2008 1:46 p.m. Published by Comentarios desactivados en CGD thesis project

This is the information page of the blog that is being set up for my final thesis at CGD (Computer […]

Blog: Learning Openframeworks

Setembro 1, 2008 7:09 a.m. Published by 2 Comments

This is a blog that I set up for one independent study that I am doing, and that basically consists on learning the Openframeworks library.
So in this blog I will write about my personal experience process on learning Openframeworks and also about a final project that I am going to develop.

Controlling a camera using another camera

Maio 20, 2008 8:58 p.m. Published by Comentarios desactivados en Controlling a camera using another camera

Using Arduino, Processing, a webcam and a servo motor, a camera makes move another camera.

Montaxe do laboratorio de alg-a

Maio 3, 2008 10:19 a.m. Published by Comentarios desactivados en Montaxe do laboratorio de alg-a

Xa temos o laboratorio de alg-a montado. Logo de varios anos de trámites, ocupacións, promesas, proxectos, prototipos e demais, ao […]

Deseño do novo Ep de Mequetrefe

Abril 27, 2008 5:54 p.m. Published by Comentarios desactivados en Deseño do novo Ep de Mequetrefe

Hoxe acabamos de publicar no netlabel alg-a o novo Ep de Mequetrefe, cuxo deseño da portada e contraporta fixen eu. […]

A field of crickets using Arduino and motors dc.

Abril 27, 2008 7:28 a.m. Published by Comentarios desactivados en A field of crickets using Arduino and motors dc.

Here is the mini-project that we had to do using motors for the physical computing course. Ben and I decided […]

Arduino Works References

Abril 17, 2008 12:46 p.m. Published by Comentarios desactivados en Arduino Works References

Arduino Controlling Motors from Jesse Chorng on Vimeo.

Musical interactive shirt. Project Runway

Abril 17, 2008 5:41 a.m. Published by Comentarios desactivados en Musical interactive shirt. Project Runway

This is the final project runway, a shirt that has attached a music sequencer and a kind of piano.