Preparing dual screens
enero 18, 2009 9:56 pm Comentarios desactivados en Preparing dual screensToday I»ve been trying to set up the aplication in order to work with 2 screens using fullscreen. In my […]
Today I»ve been trying to set up the aplication in order to work with 2 screens using fullscreen. In my […]
I have started building the programm that will be used int he final installation. The first think to do is […]
This is the second part of the article Manipulating pixels. I just divided the previous article into two becuase it […]
These days I»ve been learning how to manipulate pixels using openframeworks. The reason of why I»ve been doing this, is […]
Este é un mixturador de paisaxes sonoras moi básico para unha unha instalación que estamos preparando o equipo de escoitar.org. […]
Grafitti Research Lab: dedicated to outfitting graffiti artists with open source technologies for urban communication. L.A.S.E.R. tag: Graffiti Research Lab […]
Augmented Sound Thesis proposal. You can downlad it from here.
Pablo Valbuena is a spanish artist that since 2007 has been working with augment reallity. He has developed his first […]
This is a video picker that gets the color from the pixel that is being pointed by the mouse, and […]
Today I was trying to draw on top of a video, and here is the result: Learning Openframeworks: Drawing on […]