Blog: Learning Openframeworks

This is a blog that I set up for one independent study that I am doing, and that basically consists on learning the Openframeworks library.
So in this blog I will write about my personal experience process on learning Openframeworks and also about a final project that I am going to develop.

This is a blog that I set up for one independent study that I am doing with professor Shaun Foster, as part of the Computer Graphic Design programm at RIT, that basically consists on learning the Openframeworks library.
So in this blog I will write about my personal experience process on learning Openframeworks and also about a final project that I am going to develop.

You can click on the pictures from the right to see the others entries of this blog, of you can also click on the button on your left that says «Learning Openframeworks Blog» to go to the main page of this blog.

If you want to sindicate to this blog, here is the rss file:

I also setup a new tag on my netvibes for following the internet activity related to the Openframeworks world. You can take a look here:

I hope you enjoy.